Oscar Pistorius und Olympic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oscar Pistorius)
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Oscar Pistorius Fast Facts - CNN - CNN.comwww.cnn.com › › world › africa › oscar-pistorius-fast-facts

Read CNN's Fast Facts about Oscar Pistorius, the South African ex-Olympic sprinter convicted in the shooting death of his girlfriend Reeva ...

Disabled Athletes Have a Long History of Participation in the...

Oscar Pistorius made history this year by becoming the first double amputee to compete in the Olympics. But while the 25-year-old South African, sometimes...

Oscar Pistorius sentenced to maximum of five years in prison for...

A South African judge sentenced former Olympic and Paralymic sprinter Oscar Pistorius to a maximum of five years in prison Tuesday for the culpable homicide of...

This Day in History: Feb. 14 | Fox Newswww.foxnews.com › this-day-in-history-feb-14

2013: Oscar Pistorius, who had recently competed in both the Olympics and Paralympics as a runner, is arrested over the shooting death of his ...