Osman Kavala und Human Rights Person-Info 

( Ich bin Osman Kavala)
(1 - 16 von 25

U.S. calls on Turkey to immediately release jailed philanthropist...

The United States on Wednesday called on Turkey to immediately release philanthropist and human rights activist Osman Kavala, who has been detained for more...

Human Rights Commissioner Kofler on the Osman Kavala case - Federal...

· With the rejection yesterday (11 May) of Turkey's request for referral of Osman Kavala's case to the Grand Chamber of the European Court of ...

Osman Kavala nominated for Vaclav Havel Human Rights Prize ...www.vhlf.org › news › osman-kavala-nominated-fo...

· ... jailed philanthropist and businessman Osman Kavala, one of the most prominent human rights defenders and civil society activists in Turkey, ...

Turkey: Failure to release Osman Kavala must prompt infringement...

Following today’s decision by a court in Turkey not to release prominent human rights defender, Osman Kavala, Amnesty International have called on heads of...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Osman Kavala
Recep Tayyip
Vorname "Osman" (3402)
Name "Kavala" (30)