Oury M. Bah Person-Info 

( Ich bin Oury M. Bah)


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Guinea delays presidential election run-off vote again - CNN.com

Guinea once again has postponed the second round of voting in its presidential election, the new head of the West African country's National Independent...

Campaigning starts for Guinea vote amid dispute fears

... public finances, an essential condition for renewing relations with development partners,' said Oury Bah, spokesman for Cellou Dalein Diallo, ...

Veranstaltung: Der Tod von Oury Jalloh und die Dessauer Justiz

Der Tod von Oury Jalloh hat uns schon lange beschäftigt, und wir hatten schon mal eine Veranstaltung mit Mouctar Bah aus Dessau. Daher freuen ...

Amadou Oury Bah – ANA

Tag "Amadou Oury Bah". Home; Amadou Oury Bah. Amadou Oury Bah : The ' New' Guinea. Career. Amadou Oury Bah : The 'New' Guinea. As the Guinean government likes to proclaim it loud and clear, its “youth has talent” and Amadou Oury Bah, a young entrepreneur in distribution proves this statement true every day.
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