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Stores bustle on Sunday with after-Christmas sales and returns
[San Jose Mercury News] - It was busy throughout the Nordstrom chain, too, which launched a sale for men's items on Sunday, said spokeswoman Pamela Lopez.

Retailers offer few deals after holidays
[] - Nordstrom spokeswoman Pamela Lopez said, "Our inventories are lean." By one measure, SpendingPulse, a research firm owned by MasterCard Advisors

Shoppers find few post-Christmas discounts
[Los Angeles Times] - "Our inventories are lean," said Pamela Lopez, a Nordstrom spokeswoman. But sale gains before Christmas were uneven. Fernandez said luxury retailers did

Pamela Lopez, NP | Mercedes, TX | Family Nurse Practitioner | US News...
Pamela Lopez is a Family Nurse Practitioner in Mercedes, TX. Find Lopez's phone number, address, hospital affiliations and more.
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