Patrick Witt Person-Info 

( Ich bin Patrick Witt)


(1 - 4 von 22

Witt leaves congressional race, will run for insurance commissioner ...
Mar 8, · The race for Congress narrowed again Tuesday as Patrick Witt suspended his campaign and endorsed Vernon Jones. Witt instead will run for insurance commissioner.

Patrick Witt and the New York Times' rush to judgment
— Patrick Witt's treatment echoes Duke case.

Witt quits race for Congress, running for Insurance ...
— Patrick Witt says he will seek the Republican nomination for state Insurance Commissioner rather than the open 10th Congressional District seat.

Yale quarterback Patrick Witt chooses Harvard game over Rhodes...
There will be no flight to Atlanta for Patrick Witt this week, no picking out the right interview suit, no agonizing over his answers, no attempt to impress a...
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Person "Witt" (29)
Vorname "Patrick" (48799)
Name "Witt" (3003)
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