Pete Lake Person-Info 

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Pete Carroll on Seahawks O-line coach: 'Really, it's not as drastic as you ...
[One News Page] - Pete Carroll says the flurry of roster moves and massive shuffling of players just a week before... SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 Sports) - After 144 regular season

Kevin Cuneo: Jerry Lewis dedicated to MD telethon
[] - Pete Alex Sr. still claims he's the best fisherman in the family Speaking of fishing, the SONS of Lake Erie put on a tempting spread Wednesday at their

No Frills in Proposed Eagle Lake Budget
[The Ledger] - By Rick Rousos EAGLE LAKE | Eagle Lake City Manager Pete Gardner is presenting a no-frills fiscal year budget of $2.96 million to city commissioners.

Cotey: If it's East Lake vs. St. Pete, expect a tight matchup
[ (blog)] - If history holds true, sometime tonight during the East Lake-St. Petersburg game tonight, a snap will go awry or a kick will sail wide or a punt will be
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