Peter A. Tennant Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter A. Tennant)


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) ZEITGESCHICHTE : Ein gern gesehener Agent - DER SPIEGEL

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Plaque marks tragedy so close to home | Latest Norfolk and Suffolk...
It was a devastating but little known crash on Norfolk’s peaceful sands more than 70 years ago – and now a marble plaque has been unveiled to mark the spot...

Guardian: Can a 30-second chat with a GP really trigger weight loss? | Science...

A recent study was widely reported as evidence that GPs should tell their patients if they are obese, but did the research really find this?

Peter Tennant - › Peter_Tennant
· TENNANT — PETER. Peacefully, at Lockhart Hospital, Lanark, on Tuesday, 17th February, 2015, Peter Tennant (late of West Forth Farm, Forth),…
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