Peter Bourgon Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Bourgon)


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Peter Bourgon · Go for Industrial Programming - Golang News
Peter Bourgon has a web site, and this is that web site.

Peter Bourgon · Semantic Import Versioning is unsound
Peter Bourgon has a web site, and this is that web site.

Weaveworks Hires SoundCloud Engineer Peter Bourgon, Releases...
Last year, SoundCloud engineer Peter Bourgon was one of the software development world's most outspoken skeptics of the benefits of ...

Building Microservices with Go and ‘Go kit’: Peter Bourgon Q&A
At the Golang UK Conference, Peter Bourgon introduced ‘Go kit’, an open source microservice toolkit that can be used to facilitate and standardise the creation...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Peter Bourgon
Vorname "Peter" (123603)
Name "Bourgon" (9)
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