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Is there a link between Vitamin D and coronavirus? - Health Report › radionational › programs › is-ther...
· Professor Peter Ebeling. Medical Director, Osteoporosis Australia; Head, Department of Medicine, Monash University. Host: Dr Norman Swan.

Get in early to preserve the bones - Medical Observer | Jean Hailes
Professor Peter Ebeling, Medical Director at Osteoporosis Australia, highlights the importance of preserving bone health and minimising the risk of...

Vitamin D food fortification on the table - ABC
Endocrinologist, Professor Peter Ebeling of the University of Melbourne agrees, adding that only a low amount of vitamin D comes from the diet and it's often difficult to ensure people get enough safe exposure to ultraviolet light, used by skin cells to manufacture vitamin D. He says a healthy serum level of ...

Prof Ebeling AO named Fellow of Australian Academy ...Healthy Bones Australia
— Professor Peter Ebeling's bio. Prof. Ebeling serves as Chair for Healthy Bones Australia; is a Board member of the International Osteoporosis ...