Peter Knippertz und West Africa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Knippertz)
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ECMWF helps to probe impact of aerosols in West Africa | ECMWF
Peter Knippertz (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany). Southern West Africa (SWA) is becoming a focus of interest for climate change and air quality ...

Fires pollute the air in West Africa
"The air over the coastal region of West Africa is a unique mixture of various trace gases, liquids, and particles," explains Professor Peter Knippertz of KIT's Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research, who coordinates DACCIWA. The sources of these particles and gases are monsoon winds with sea salt ...

Researchers target West African climate predictions
An international team of scientists have begun a major investigation into the complex meteorology of West Africa including how rapidly increasing air pollution...