Peter Konstantin Bogdanov und Russian Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Konstantin Bogdanov)
(1 - 26 von 33

Russia reveals giant nuclear torpedo in state TV 'leak' - BBC News
The Kremlin says secret plans for a Russian long-range nuclear torpedo - called

Heroes Beneath the Waves: Wreck of WW2 Soviet Sub Found off Estonian...
A team of Russian marine salvage hunters have found the wreckage of a sunken WW2-era Soviet submarine in waters off the coast of Estonia , Sputnik...

Explorers Search Bulgarian Waters for Soviet WW II Submarine -...
The news was announced for the Russian information agency RIA, cited by the Bulgarian BGNES, by the expedition's head, Konstantin Bogdanov. The C-34, destroyed in 1942, is the fifth ...
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Person "Bogdanov" (1)
Vorname "Konstantin" (6049)
Name "Bogdanov" (176)