Peter Lommer und Hospital Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Lommer)
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Dänischer Mythos widerlegt: Kein Rausch durch Wodka-Fuß › Wissen
· Ein dreistündiges Wodka-Fußbad zieht keinen Rausch nach sich. Das haben dänische Forscher um Peter Lommer Christensen vom Hospital in Hillerød ...

Dunking Feet in Alcohol Won't Get You Drunk - Redorbit
· The authors, led by Dr Peter Lommer Kristensen from the Hillerød Hospital in Denmark, say it was important that the myth underwent ...

Oh, Those Brits: BMJ Offers Holiday
According to Peter Lommer Kristensen of Hillerod Hospital in Denmark and colleagues, some Danes believe it's possible to obtain the psychotropic effects of ...

Medical science examines urban myths › News in Science (ABC Science)
· Dr Peter Lommer Kristensen and colleagues of Hillerod Hospital, Denmark, put their bodies on the line, by immersing their feet for three hours ...