Peter Skelly Person-Info 

( Ich bin Peter Skelly)


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Deeds & Deals
Deeds & Deals

New landlords set to revitalise Malvern's oldest watering hole |...
THE new landlord of a historic town centre pub says he plans to turn the venue around after a period of uncertainty.

BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | North East Wales | Bronze Age hoard's first...
A hoard of treasure buried by a wealthy ancient family as a gift to the Gods is to be put on show for the first time.

Hoard of ancient gold declared treasure trove - Wales Online
BRONZE Age gold unearthed in Wales has been officially declared treasure of international importance.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Peter Skelly
Phillip Peter
Vorname "Peter" (123603)
Name "Skelly" (52)
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