Petra Allen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Petra Allen)


Burton Community Learning Centre and SD 10 making space for students...
Recently, a two-hour wellness workshop given by Petra Allen for cats and dogs brought people together, and they're sticking together. Thanks ...

Navy Recruiting District San Antonio support personnel recognized for...
Mariel Grimes was recognized as the Navy Recruiting District San Antonio civilian of the year and Petra Allen as the contractor of the year by Navy Cmdr. Karen Muntean, NRD-SA commanding officer, during an awards banquet held in Live Oak, Texas, in,

Berlin: Müde, aber glücklich
Die Fußballweltmeisterinnen sind wieder zu Hause ... "Es war traumhaft", sagte Hingst, nachdem ihre Mutter Petra allen vier Spielerinnen eine rote Rose überreicht hatte. ...
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Person "Allen" (4)
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Name "Allen" (2640)
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