Pfr. Michael Buck Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pfr. Michael Buck)


(1 - 4 von 26

Michael Buck: What housing crisis? I’ve built a cosy hobbit home for...
being built from nothing and something you can share with your ...

Platz zwei: Monika und Michael Buck ertanzen sich den Salinen-Pokal -...
Im Kurhaus zu Bad Rothenfelde richtete der TC Creativ Osnabrück zur Freude der Gäste seine Turniere um den Salinen-Pokal aus. Wie immer war der Kursaal voll...

Michael Buck's cob house: Does the answer to the housing crisis lie...
We visit the farmer who has built a house of cob and thinks everybody should make one

Pictured: Michael Buck's Hobbit-style cob house built from scratch...
The ex-art teacher built the house from scratch using only natural or recycled materials… and not a single power tool
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Person "Buck" (21)
Vorname "Michael" (149265)
Name "Buck" (2155)
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