Phil Rumbol und Gorilla Person-Info 

( Ich bin Phil Rumbol)
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The Value of Backing and Buying Creative Work Insights ...Institute of Advertising Practitioners in Ireland
One person who has enjoyed the privilege of getting people to respond strongly to his work is Phil Rumbol, the client who “bought” the Cadbury Gorilla idea.

How The Cadbury's Gorilla Advert Very Nearly Wasn't Made
— It was around this time that Phil Rumbol joined the company as marketing director, and was tasked with devising an ad campaign to help the ... › news › h...

World’s Best Ads Ever #14: The Cadbury Drumming Gorilla That Almost...
We asked our readers to vote for their favorite commercials of all time. Top creatives from the World Creative Rankings and The Drum’s Judges’ Club then ranked...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Phil Rumbol
Verena Bahlsen
Vorname "Phil" (5576)
Name "Rumbol" (3)