Philip Wadsworth Person-Info 

( Ich bin Philip Wadsworth)


Future Architects | Boston Athenæum
Gift of Philip Wadsworth, Future Architects. If you could create your own library, house, school, or office building, what would it look like?

Luxury new development is a tribute to poultry expert | Darlington...
A NEW £1m holiday development has been opened – and turned into a tribute to a well-known farmer and poultry judge.

Luxury new development is a tribute to poultry expert - The Northern › news › lux...
· Brothers James and Philip Wadsworth have turned land that used to house cattle byres on their 160-acre farm into holiday homes in Sinderby, ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Philip Wadsworth
Vorname "Philip" (14218)
Name "Wadsworth" (512)
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