Philippe Matic-Arnauld Person-Info 

( Ich bin Philippe Matic-Arnauld)


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Les agriculteurs français restent vigilants | Les Echos
La plupart des syndicats jugent la « révision » du volet vert du GATT comme une « première étape » plutôt positive. Mais appellent leurs adhé...

Ski holidays hit by warnings of poor snowfalls in Alps
Some of the biggest resorts in the French Alps have been forced to remain closed to skiers – or open only a handful of slopes

'Catastrophe' for French ski holidays as snow fails to fall on Alps |...
British skiers are facing mass disruption to pre-booked skiing holidays as the Alps has seen the worst start to the season for 40 years - with slopes left as...

British skiers face a green Christmas at the Alps after warmer...
Ski instructor Philippe Arnauld said: 'At the moment it is just about okay because the start of the season is never that busy, but from next weekend the resorts will be full for Christmas and New Year. 'If all the ski schools and the holiday making families have only two lifts between them it is going to be chaos ...
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Name "Matic-Arnauld" (1)
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