Pierre Dupont und Jean-Pierre Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pierre Dupont)
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French prez may still find it tough as voters shun him

[Times of India] - In nearby Le Raincy, a middle-class town of sushi takeouts and florists, retired butcher Jean-Pierre Dupont, 64, is so angry about his shrunken purchasing power that he plans to cast a blank vote where last time he voted for Sarkozy.

"Oans - zwoa - drei - gsuffa" | Wiesn-Aktuell

Rosenheim - Für Dosige und Zuagroaste befasst sich OVB-Autor Armin Höfer ("Vo Ort zu Ort") mit 14 Wiesn ... Jean-Pierre Dupont und sein Arbeitskollege Detlef Schulze haben sich ...