Pierre Favre und Jesuit Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pierre Favre)
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Pope to declare Jesuit Pierre Favre a saint, bypassing typical...

Pope Francis is to declare the 16th century Jesuit Pierre Favre a saint, bypassing the Vatican's typical procedures to honor the first recruit of ...

Papst Franziskus sprach Jesuiten Pierre Favre heilig - religion.ORF.atreligion.orf.at › stories

· Papst Franziskus hat am Dienstag den französischen Jesuiten Pierre Favre ohne Anerkennung eines Wunders heiliggesprochen. Dieser ...

Francis declares Jesuit Pierre Favre a saint - The Boston Globe

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has declared the 16th-century Jesuit Pierre Favre a saint, bypassing the Vatican’s typical saint-making procedures to honor the...

Pope Francis declares Jesuit Pierre Favre a saint – Daily News

· VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Tuesday declared the 16th-century Jesuit Pierre Favre a saint, bypassing the Vatican's typical saint-making ...