Pierre Youssef Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pierre Youssef)


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Dr. Pierre Youssef (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Kanada): "The...

Dr. Pierre Youssef (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Kanada): "The restricted invertibility principle and estimating the distance to the cube"

Kolloquium Dr. Pierre Youssef (University of Alberta, Edmonton,...

Kolloquium Dr. Pierre Youssef (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Kanada): "Towards a deterministic algorithm for the Kadison-Singer problem".

Pierre Youssef, Paris VII | Operations Research and Financial...

Pierre Youssef, Paris VII. On the spectrum of random graphs. Wed Apr :00 PM to 4:00 PM. Fine Hall Probability Seminar. All Upcoming Events.

Agenda des événements de l'Université de Genève - On the norm of...

On the norm of Gaussian random matrices (Pierre Youssef, Paris Diderot) :15 – 16:15. We consider a symmetric random matrix whose entries on ...
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Person "Youssef" (1)
Vorname "Pierre" (11304)
Name "Youssef" (507)
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