Piotr Buras und Polish Person-Info 

( Ich bin Piotr Buras)
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Spiegel.de: Lingering Fears: Is the World Ready for German Victimhood ...

Nov 04, · "The idea of a center is very suspect for Poles," says Piotr Buras, a Polish expert on German-Polish relations and co-author -- with Henning Tewes -- …

Spiegel.de: Polish-German Relations: Suit Evokes Ghosts of War - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Leaders in Warsaw think Berlin should compensate Germans who were forced to leave Poland after World War II -- and who now want restitution from Poland. The...

Polish lawmakers back Holocaust bill, drawing Israeli outrage and...

The bill passed by Polish lawmakers calls for penalty over the phrase

Polish president signs highly controversial Holocaust bill, drawing...

It is definitely not independent,” said Piotr Buras, head of the Warsaw office of the European Council on Foreign Relations. “But referring the bill to the tribunal was probably still the best available option to the Polish president.” Buras added: “To the international audience, especially the U.S. and Israel, ...