Pitt Lake Person-Info 

( Ich bin Pitt Lake)


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Small ultralight plane flips on Pitt Lake, pilot OK - BC |...

The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre has confirmed emergency crews are responding to Pitt Lake in Pitt Meadows, after a small ultralight plane flipped over on...

48-year-old Maple Ridge pilot ‘unhurt’ after Pitt Lake plane crash,...

A mayday call was received at the Pitt Meadows Airport Tuesday afternoon

Pitt Lake | News, Videos & Articles

Pitt Lake videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews.ca your source for the latest news on Pitt Lake .

Crews battle forest fire near Pitt Lake, B.C. | CBC News

Firefighters battled a 1½-hectare forest fire on the east side of Pitt Lake, B.C., on Thursday, but the fire was not threatening any homes.
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