Police Sniper Person-Info 

( Ich bin Police Sniper)


(1 - 4 von 84

Anti-austerity rally: Pictures of police marksmen watching march from...

Police marksmen were seen on the top of the Great Northern complex, and it is understood they were also on another city centre building

Caught on Camera: Police sniper shoots man holding two ...globalnews.ca › news › caught-on-camera-police...

The Tulsa Police Department has released dramatic dash cam footage showing the moment a police sniper shot a man holding a two-year-old ...

‘A clear shot’: Police sniper kills gunman who had used two children...

'We were able to get the suspect cornered and trapped, even though he had two kids. We had a SWAT member who had a clear shot. We fired one round'

Baltimore police sniper shoots man who says he has bomb at TV station...

BALTIMORE — A young man in an animal costume and surgical mask who walked into a Baltimore TV station Thursday claiming to have a ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Police Sniper
Vorname "Police" (36)
Name "Sniper" (52)
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