Poul Holm Person-Info 

( Ich bin Poul Holm)


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BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Ghosts of oceans past and future

Knowledge of the history of marine ecosystems is as critical to their future as studies of the present.

Professor Poul Holm - Margaret Throsby Interview - ABC Radio National...

Poul Holm is Professor of Environmental History at Trinity College, Dublin, and Academic Director of the Trinity Long Room Hub, the research institute for the...

Poul Holm (Trinity College Dublin), 'Sea Change: The Urgency of...

Date: December 1, 2009; Time: 4:00 pm. Poul Holm (Trinity College Dublin), 'Sea Change: The Urgency of Oceans Past'. + Google Calendar+ iCal Export ...

Entwicklung von Fischbeständen um Hawaii - Die Trophäen der...

US-Forscher Kyle van Houten nutzt historische Speisekarten, um die Entwicklung von Fischbeständen rund um Hawaii zu analysieren.
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