Program Workshops-With-Abstracts Person-Info 

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(1 - 4 von 24

Guardian: Julie Bishop overhauls foreign aid program with 'aid-for-trade' plan...

Foreign affairs minister will impose stricter rules to ensure recipient countries and projects deliver value for money

Learn how to program with the help of Raspberry Pi
An informal meeting of Rolls-Royce staff to tinker with Raspberry Pi has turned in to an unexpected success.

Alumni grows for Northern Territory cattle industry's pastoral...
The graduates are determined to get jobs in agriculture.

VC Taskforce Launches StartUP Academy/ Workshops and Face-Time With...
Program workshops and pitch events include: Academy Workshops. Concept to Company Workshop; Elevator Pitch Workshop: Getting to Wow ...
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Vorname "Program" (24)
Name "Workshops-With-Ab..." (1)
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