Quang Duc und Protest Person-Info 

( Ich bin Quang Duc)
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An act of faith, desperation or protest: Self-immolations through...

Night had fallen when the men heard the sounds on the mountain. First it was a chime, then a recitation of verses, followed by the crackle of wood burning....

Taz: Kommentar Selbstverbrennung in Vietnam: Vertracktes FanalTAZ

— Juni verbrannte sich der buddhistische Mönch Thich Quang Duc aus Protest gegen das von den USA gestützte Diem-Regime in Saigon. › Gesellschaft › Debatte

Burning Monk by Malcolm Wilde Browne | Business Recorder

Burning Monk World Press Photo of the Year, prize singles Saigon, Vietnam Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc sets himself ablaze to protest the South

Secret tapes reveal JFK’s duplicity in Cold War, civil rights

Modal Trigger Thich Quang Duc, a Buddhist monk, burns himself in to protest alleged persecution of Buddhists by the South Vietnamese government.AP. Some, including Assistant Secretary of State William Averell Harriman, began calling for America to withdraw this support. Harriman told Kennedy ...