Rae Lee Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rae Lee)


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NZZ: Neue Aromen im Melting Pot | NZZ

Seit je war New York Vorposten der mit der Neuen Welt verbundenen Hoffnungen und Aspirationen und Begegnungsort für Intellektuelle und Kulturschaffende...

Review: The Surrendered, by Chang-Rae Lee - The Globe and Mail

Chang-Rae Lee has written a beautiful ode to a cast of characters who have submitted themselves to their destinies

Chang-rae Lee zeroes in on freedom of the soul | Books – Gulf News

The author talks about why he decided to write a dystopian novel set in America

Guardian: On Such a Full Sea by Chang-rae Lee – review | Science fiction books...

Every literary writer seems to visit Dystopia now – but too many treat a serious genre superficially, says Ursula K Le Guin
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