Rafael Lewandowski und Pawel Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rafael Lewandowski)
(1 - 16 von 16

La Dette | film | Rafael Lewandowski - Cinenews.be

À son retour d'un voyage en France, Pawel constate avec stupéfaction que la photo de son père fait la Une d'un journal polonais. Considéré jusqu'alors comme...

Posters : Kret (2012) - Rafael Lewandowski - Cinenews.be

Posters : Pawel, a Polish man in his early 30s, makes a living with his father Zygmunt importing second-hand clothing from the North of France to Southern...

Kret | movie | Rafael Lewandowski | Videos - Cinenews.be

Videos : Pawel, a Polish man in his early 30s, makes a living with his father Zygmunt importing second-hand clothing from the North of France to Southern...