Rahel Getachew Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rahel Getachew)


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Potash a key focus for Ethiopia's mining push - draft document

— ... pumice, and limestone, according to Rahel Getachew, senior programme officer at CIRDI's project supporting the ministry of mines. › article

Events | Save A Child's Heart

For sponsorship and further information about the event, contact Rahel Getachew at or by telephone (703) › events

Ehrenamtliche geben Asylbewerbern Deutschunterricht

Vier Ehrenamtliche erteilen in Weismain dreimal pro Woche Deutschunterricht für Asylbewerber. Lehrer wie Schüler haben Spaß am Unterricht - und profitieren...

Alums Honored for Equity and Justice Work in Maternal and ...

— From left: SPH alums Trish Elliott, Rahel Getachew Hailemichael, and Mallory Cyr. Awards ... › news › articles
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Rahel Getachew
Christian Medical
Vorname "Rahel" (1721)
Name "Getachew" (61)
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