Raj Kerega Khalsa Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raj Kerega Khalsa)


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Khalsa Boy's comment on Why I am not a real Sikh?

You are definitely not gursikh but a coward who refuses to live with honour and pride. Raj Kerega Khalsa

Sikh Dharma International initiates India Yatra to ...in.news.yahoo.com › ...

The Raj Khalsa Yatra will celebrate 350th birth anniversary of 10th guru of Sikh community, Guru Gobind Singh Ji in Patna. On January 5,

Why I am not a real Sikh?

I was born in a Sikh family. Listening to religious stories over the years, I conceived the idea that only a brave person could be a Sikh. Now that I examine...
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Name "Khalsa" (340)
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