Ralf Kapschack und German Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ralf Kapschack)
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German parliamentarians visit Rwanda | The New Times | Rwanda

... CDU/CSU), Siemtje Möller, Ralf Kapschack (both Social Democrats - SPD), and Manfred Todtenhausen (Free Democrats - FDP).

CDU reform proposal sparks debate on future of German pension ...www.ipe.com › news › article

· Ralf Kapschack, Social Democratic Party. The committee's proposals look to the future financial viability of the current pension system in ...

German liberal party's proposal of a Swedish-style pension system ...www.ipe.com › news › article

· Ralf Kapschack, lead for pensions policy at the Social Democratic SDP, told IPE that following the FDP's proposal, “billions would have to ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Ralf Kapschack
Svenja Schulze
Vorname "Ralf" (44375)
Name "Kapschack" (4)