Ralf Obergfell und London Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ralf Obergfell)
(1 - 12 von 16

Life on the Routemaster relived in photo tribute | London Evening...

When German-born photographer Ralf Obergfell learned the Routemaster bus was to be axed, he decided he must chronicle its final days.

Last Stop: Faszination Doppeldecker - Staufen - Badische Zeitung

Der Staufener Ralf Obergfell widmet den aus dem Londoner Stadtbild verschwundenen Routemasters einen Bildband. STAUFEN. London ist ein kreativer Schmelztopf....

London sacks its stately old buses | HeraldNet.com

LONDON - It was the end of the line Thursday for London’s red Routemaster buses, trundling into retirement after half a century of rickety but reliable service.