Ralf Pickart Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ralf Pickart)


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Müssen Auswanderer an ihre patriotischen Pflichten erinnert werden? Viele im Ausland lebende Deutsche melden sich von allen Kontinenten, um im Auswanderer-Blog...

Homesick for Halifax? Donair Cam offers a 24-hour livestream of Nova...

It's called Donair Cam, and it's a 24-hour stream of seasoned meat spinning on a rotating spit.

LobsterCam in Halifax harbour is live once again - Yahoo News Canada

Ralf Pickart, who runs Nova Scotia Webcams as a division of QVISTO Inc., wondered what it would be like to be a lobster, so he set up a lobster ...

Donair Cam: Halifax dish now live streaming

Donair Cam: Halifax's official food now live streaming 24 hours a day
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