Ramez Al-Saab Person-Info 

( Ich bin Ramez Al-Saab)


(1 - 4 von 14

Qatari bank accused of funding jihadis | News | The Times

Their claim is against Doha Bank and Moutaz and Ramez al-Khayyat, described as two “prominent Syrian/Qatari businessmen”, whose assets ...

Junior stars: The 32 players to watch in football finals

vor 7 Tagen — Ramez Al Nasser: An elusive and skilful attacking midfielder who has played a leading hand in just about every Wanderers attacking raid this ... › ...

Qatar dairy producer Baladna to IPO in first half, expand into new...

Qatari company Baladna, which is creating a dairy industry in the desert to help the country withstand a boycott by other Arab states, plans an initial public...

hs.fi: Rippileirillä elää huoli kodeista Palestiinassa - Kaupunki | HS.fi

Kuusi palestiinalaisnuorta saapui Espooseen rippileirille ystävystymään, ei puhumaan politiikkaa
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Vorname "Ramez" (67)
Name "al-Saab" (1)
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