Ramona Luna Person-Info 

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...Pomelo di Ramona Badescu Benjamin Chaud   Quante domande si fanno i bambini: Perché le zucchine sono verdi? E i pomodori rossi. Chissà a cosa pensano le...

Three MBRS-RISE Scholars recognized for outstanding ...business.brownsvillechamber.com › ...

... Marco Arriaga and Ramona Luna – have been recognized for their efforts involving research in microbiology, bioengineering and biophysics, ...

UTB Department of Physics & Astronomy

2014) Congratulations to our students Ramona Luna and Mkhitar Hobosyan on ... Ramona Luna is an undergraduate physics student and her presentation title ...

UTRGV physics grad evolves into research scientist and determined...

Ramona Luna, who graduates May 12 from UTRGV with a bachelor's degree in physics, has worked for the past three years on research in biophysics with Dr. Ahmed Touhami, associate professor of physics at UTRGV. She says she started her time at the university in Brownsville as a Scorpion, then ...
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