Randy Gupta und Düsseldorf Person-Info 

( Ich bin Randy Gupta)
(1 - 18 von 22

#GDGDus - Fingerprint Dialog AND Kubernetes for Java ...

— ... should be used will be the subject of this talk. Randy Gupta is a Software Architect, CEO of SCARATEC and GDG Düsseldorf organiser. › events › gdgd...

GDG Cloud Düsseldorf Meetup #12 | InVision AG

Randy Gupta will be talking about cloud native continuous delivery with Jenkins X. Unlike what it's name might imply, Jenkins X is an entirely ...

GDG Cloud Düsseldorf Meetup - Istio / MFA for Kubernetes

— 19: :45 - Randy Gupta: Service Meshs with Istio. 19: :30 - Robert Tingirică: MFA for kubernetes. 20:30 - … › events › gdg-cloud-meetup-3

Google Developer Group: Modern Cloud Architectures - Spaces

— Our second speaker is Randy Gupta. For the last decade, he organizes our neighbor chapter GDG Düsseldorf. Randy, a Google Developer Expert ... › go...