Rao Nadeem Alam Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rao Nadeem Alam)


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‘Zero tolerance policy for QAU land grabbers’ - Daily Times

... Mr. Anwar Moihuddin, Mr. Rao Nadeem Alam, and Mr. Ikram Badshah. The students whose research was supported include Munib, Ramesh, ...

Subject(ive) choice - DAWN.COM

Dr Rao Nadeem Alam, a teacher at the Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad, says it is not just sciences that require laboratories for ...

Imposter posing as Pakistan star cricketer duped BBC into paying him...

The BBC has apologised after fraudster Nadeem Alam repeatedly impersonated ex-batsman Nadeem Abbasi to give his 'expert' opinion

BBC left red faced after impostor claiming to be former Pakistan...

Nadeem Alam pretended to be Nadeem Abbasi, who played three Tests for his country, who says he'd
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