Raphael Stix und Global Shopper Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raphael Stix)
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Effiziente Fertigung von Displaykleinserien, Fachverband...

So spricht Raphael Stix, Geschäftsführer der Global Shopper GmbH in Hamburg, über den Wandel "Vom Massenmarketing zur individuellen Kundenansprache ...

McCann-Erickson-Mann: Jan Schnau wird Managing Director bei TBWA...

... Reichl (Managing Director TBWA+), Diana Pauser (Executive Creative Director) und Raphael Stix (Managing Director Global Shopper).

Program of the 25th SOF announced | Media Marketing

Raphael Stix, chief executive of Germany's direct marketing agencies Integer and Global Shopper will walk the corridors of purchase marketing, while Nataša ...