Recep Bastuğ und Ceo Person-Info 

( Ich bin Recep Bastuğ)
(1 - 19 von 22

BBVA recupera a Recep Bastug como CEO de la filial turca
— BBVA recupera a Recep Bastug como CEO de la filial turca tras la salida de Fuat Erbil. El directivo se incorporó al banco por primera vez en ...

BBVA names new CEO for its Turkish arm Garanti
BBVA appoints veteran Recep Bastug as CEO of its Turkish arm Garanti

Turkey's Garanti BBVA renews syndicated loan deal - Anadolu › economy › turkeys-garanti-bbva-r...
· ... an important step and reflection of our commitments to sustainability and the mission we undertake,” said Garanti BBVA CEO Recep Bastug.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Recep Bastuğ
Vorname "Recep" (1299)
Name "Bastuğ" (1)