René Gimpel Person-Info 

( Ich bin René Gimpel)


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Guardian: Israel is 70 – is hope for a two-state solution gone? | Letters |...

Letters: More than 130 Jewish people sign a letter calling for a secular state with equal rights for all. Plus: Rev Canon Robin Morrison wonders what could...

'Remarkable' Titian portrait is revealed after 20-year restoration
Titian's Portrait of a Lady and her Daughter is expected to fetch more than £5 million on December 8 at Christie's in London.

Rene Gimpel | The Independent
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Christie’s Tizian Venedig Porträt
► Christie’s Tizian Venedig Porträt : Bei der Altmeister-Auktion am 8. Dezember in London wartet bei Christie s ein besonderes Juwel auf einen...
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