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) Auf superhabitablen Welten lebt es sich bestens | Telepolis

US-Forscher schlagen vor, auf der Suche nach Leben im All auch extrasolare Planeten mit ungewöhnlichen Charakteristika zu berücksichtigen und haben zugleich...

Lost in space: The search for alien life has been unsuccessful —...
Despite a century of major scientific progress, we still imagine extraterrestrial life forms as quaint foreigners, either friendly or threatening, but...

Alpha Centauri B, sun's neighbor, said candidate for habitable planet...
The sun's closest neighbor star may host a

Scientists find new exoplanet-star pair having resemblance to Sun › scientists-exoplanet-star-pair-...
· ... however, involves a look at the qualities of the star too," explained MPS scientist and lead author of the new study Dr Rene Heller.
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