Reza Masoudi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Reza Masoudi)


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Iran’s new image under Rouhani brings hope for South Pars gasfield...
Under the bright sun that burns workers’ skin even in the cool breeze of January, those working on the South Pars oil and gas fields near Asaluyeh say that a...

Meeting Held to Expand Joint Cooperation between Petropars › news-media › meeting-held-to-...
A meeting was held to expand joint cooperation between Petropars Group and Bank Melli Iran at the presence of Engineer Hamid-Reza Masoudi.

WASM best in the nation | Kalgoorlie Miner
Mahdi Hassan, Reza Masoudi, Sam Spearing, Mario Glavas and Mo Moridi in the new WA School of Mines study area in November last year.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Reza Masoudi
Mohammad Reza
Vorname "Reza" (2170)
Name "Masoudi" (33)
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