Rhian Waller Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rhian Waller)


(1 - 4 von 18

New teacher found for tiny island school - BBC News

A new teacher has been found for a school with just nine pupils on the tiny Hebridean island of Muck.

This mother is moving hundreds of miles to become a teacher on a tiny...

Laura Marriner is moving with her family to Muck, which is just over two miles wide and has to have its groceries shipped in

Guardian: Isle of Muck primary school finds new teacher after social media...

Laura Marriner, from Hampshire, will boost Scottish island’s permanent population of about 40 by bringing her family with her

Teacher mucks in after landing new job at Scots island's primary...

A TEACHER is giving up her life in rural Hampshire after beating off 60 applicants for a job at a school on the Isle of Muck
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