Ricardo Gruber Person-Info 

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Spiegel.de: Pooductive: App zum Chatten auf der Toilette - DER SPIEGEL

In einem neuen sozialen Netzwerk soll man teilen, was sonst zu privat ist: Pooductive gibt Toilettenbesuchern weltweit die Chance, über ihr Geschäft zu...

Introducing the app that makes your toilet stops more 'Pooductive'

A new messaging app, Pooductive, allows toilet users to interact with each other anonymously – but will it rise to the top or sink without trace?

'Pooductive' is the iPhone app that lets you talk to complete...

Because who doesn't want to discuss their state of affairs whilst enjoying a casual 'number two'?

Pooductive is an app for messaging people while you take a dump |...

Connecting people around the world, through the power of poop. Pooductive is a new app that's connecting people through the one thing that we all have in...
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