Richard Sears Person-Info 

( Ich bin Richard Sears)


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Trotz des hohen Ölpreises lassen viele Förderkonsortien noch immer fortschrittliche Extraktionsmethoden links liegen, mit denen die Ausbeute deutlich...

Richard Sears’s Short Film Collection Now on IndieFlix and ShortsHD
Catch the Cannes Award Winner “An Evil Town” and Other Award Winning Short Films on IndieFlix and ShortsHD ...

Parker businessman to pay $278,000 to IRS for failing to report...
A Parker hunting guide who ran a series of businesses has pleaded guilty to failing to file income tax returns and has agreed to pay $278,000 to the IRS,...

Richard Sears back in SF Bay Area with 'Iron Year' project
Pianist Richard Sears returns to the SF Bay Area with his new band to showcase a new album, "Iron Year.'
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