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20a kiibferriidihelid elektrisõidukitele - Icgogogoicgogogo.com

Murata on kasutusele võtnud rida Chip Ferriidi helmeid, millel on 20A vooluhinnang, suunates neile nii elektrisõidukite aku laadimissüsteemid ja ...

Destiny's Future is Computer Chip for Speedy Laser PrintersAP News

Destiny's $35 RIDA chip is capable of producing more than three full text pages a second - if the laser printer could keep up, Larrimore said.

Editable Postscript Interchange Format

· But like Destiny Technology's RIDA chip (see p. 40), it could be used in graphics boards, print- ers or computer motherboards.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Rida Chip
Vorname "Rida" (144)
Name "Chip" (69)
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