Risto Popovski Person-Info 

( Ich bin Risto Popovski)


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Skopje sucht Entspannung mit Athen (nd-aktuell.de)

Mit einem Kurs der Verständigung hofft Mazedoniens neue Regierung Bewegung in den Namensstreit mit Griechenland zu bringen. Doch der Weg zur Aufhebung von...

Risto Popovski Grcija, Srbija I Albania Sakat Da Je Unistuvat...

Edicioni Informativ, 05 Qershor 2021, Ora 00:00 - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme, Which Country Do You HATE The Most? | ALBANIA, Trying Albanian street...

Ndërroi jetë gazetari Risto Popovski, themeluesi i “Makfaks”

Risto Popovski ka lindur në Karrierën e tij fillon në Radio Shkupi ku ka punuar nga viti si volenter, kurse nga atje angazhohet edhe ...

Makfax - Macedonian Newspapers

Find local newspapers and national news, explore newspaper advertising, find newspaper articles, newspaper ads. View a newspaper subscription in an online...
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