Rizqy Anandhika Person-Info 

( Ich bin Rizqy Anandhika)


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Australian National University Graduations for December 18, |...

ANU Graduations for the College of Asia and the Pacific, College of Engineering and Social Science and College...

ANU INDONESIA PROJECT NEWS No. 17 January – June 2014

ANU INDONESIA PROJECT NEWS No. 17 January – June There were several highlights in the Indonesia Project calendar for the period January-June 2014: Chatib...

The East's rising global economic role | The China Post, Taiwanchinapost.nownews.com › ...

By Rizqy Anandhika. Ad. Indonesia — Globalization is facing a major test of sustainability in the west with trade protectionism and populism mushrooming, ...

INDEX. news. thoughts. updates. Ambassador Delia Albert: ASCC Should...

4 Thoughts from ERIA Thoughts from ERIA Thoughts from ERIA The Digital Economy is Necessary for ASEAN to Benefit from Industry 4.0 M Rizqy Anandhika Research Associate at ERIA Industry 4.0 promises a revolutionary new paradigm for economic production that employs cyber-physical production systems including ...
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Name "Anandhika" (2)
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