Robby Gurdan Person-Info 

( Ich bin Robby Gurdan)


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(BW) Czech Republic's National Court System is Largest Single-Site...
Group, based in Germany and led by Robby Gurdan, president.

TSN rückt in den Fokus: Automotive Ethernet Congress zeigt ...
— Der CTO von TSN Systems, Robby Gurdan, unterstreicht: “Der AEC zeigte eine echte Aufbruchstimmung zum Thema TSN. › ... › TSN Systems GmbH

Czech Republic's National Court System is Largest Single-Site IEEE...
A new high-performance based professional audio system in the Czech Republic's National Court system in Prague demonstrates how cost-efficient the IEEE...

AES Show Adds Networked Audio Track
Sessions to explore impact on broadcasters and other audio professionals
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